Merchant side purchase control

This functionality allows to get full control over the purchase check

Implementation is OPTIONAL

Purchase check rules are divided into two groups.

  • Product specific rules will be send along with product data request.

  • Store based rules can be configured in Smarts manager UI.

General Flow

  • Smarts asks from merchant if the purchase check is needed by sending shopping cart information to merchant.

  • Merchant will response with purchase check decision.

    • Smarts will lock app and shows the purchase check notification to client.

  • Merchant send the purchase check result to Smarts.

    • Smarts will unlock the app

    • Purchase control supervisor is able to make changes from client shopping cart.

    • Purchase control supervisor is able to cancel the shopping process.

  • After purchase check client will be directed to payment process.

App lock will expire after 4 hours and app will be unlocked. This might be happen when client will not appear to purchase check or merchant will not send purchase check result back to Smarts.


Visit your store configuration page in Smarts manager UI. Switch merchant side purchase control to ON position and implement required endpoints.


Implement following endpoints

Receive purchase check endpoint

Send purchase check result to Smarts

Ask for purchase check resend from Smarts

Last updated